Monday 23 March 2015

Playing the Amateur... Round 2

So in this post I will be finding out whether it is possible to cook without pictures.

It was extremely hard to find a cookbook which did not include pictures nowadays as we are a generation who is so interested in visuals. I ended up choosing a weird and wonderful recipe from The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook (2004) with a twist:

So answering the question: Do pictures change the way we make recipes?

My answer is yes.

Although in my previous post, I struggled with timings and measurements. In this post, I struggled with the look of the food both whilst I cooked and when I had finished. With regards to taste, let’s just say it was interesting and I do not think I will be trying pancakes like this again! Overall, from cooking with words and pictures, I believe you cannot cook with one and not the other because each provides helpful insights into getting the correct outcome.

Works Cited
Toklas, A.B. The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook.  London: Serif. (1994)


  1. I think it is very hard to make a recipe without the picture of its end result. I think it also works as a way of letting the person making it not to feel too bad when it turns out scary looking (like my apple crumble will when I make it). Really enjoyed reading this.

  2. Yes I completely agree. I struggled with what my pancakes should look like with all the strange ingredients I had to put in. Can't wait to see how your apple crumble turns out. Ill keep my eyes peeled for that post!
