Monday 23 March 2015

Playing the Amateur

I am a strong believer that as a cook you need both illustrated directions and written directions. In this entry I will be showing you the process I went through when I cooked from ONLY pictures.

The cookbook which I used was Katie Shelly's Picture Cook: See. Make. Eat. (2013).

As a slight twist on the picture cookbook, I thought it would be interesting to make something from drawings. Although it was difficult with regards to cooking times, it was fun because the drawings were quirky. Overall , cooking with pictures took a lot of thinking and working out on my behalf as a lot of points were missed out, for example pre-heating the oven involved reading through the whole recipe before starting it. As there was no reading involved this recipe was quick to complete and even though I was struck by problems throughout, for example preparing the ingredients and timings before putting them in the bowl, it was an enjoyable process.

Works Cited
Shelley, K. Picture Cook: See. Make. Eat. Berkeley: Ulysses Press (2013)


  1. I really love this post and how you made the banana bread! :)

  2. I really love this post and how you made the banana bread! :)
